About the Portal
ISPS & Security
National Energy complies with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) code at all its Port facilities. As such, any personnel engaging in work activity at the Port of Galeota, Savonetta Piers 1,2,3,4 and/or ISCOTT Dock must undergo a Security Awareness Session as required by the ISPS Code 17.2.8 and National Energy’s Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP).
The ISPS Code provides a framework through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which pose a threat to maritime security. The Code, which National Energy fully subscribes to, enables the detection and deterrence of security threats within an international framework and supports the collection and exchange of security information.
The main purpose of the ISPS code is to regulate and control the security and safety of the crew, vessels, harbours, and cargo as they travel through international waters. It accomplishes this by assigning levels of responsibility to governments, shipping companies, shipping personnel, and port operators to detect security threats and enact preventative measures.

HSSE & Emergency Response
The Savonetta Piers 1-4 comprise six (6) multi-user petrochemical and steel terminals. These Piers serve the heavy gas-based industries at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate (PLIE) and are classified as “Hazardous Cargo Terminals” due to materials handled at the facilities, such as Ammonia, Urea, Methanol, and Iron Ore.
The HSSE and Emergency Response Orientation will ensure that all Pier Users, Contractors, and Visitors are aware of their roles and responsibilities in several emergency and incident management scenarios. These scenarios form part of the Savonetta Pier Emergency Response Plan (as Amended) that was developed through consultation between National Energy and the Savonetta Pier Users.
Once completed, the participant will know how to respond to various emergency levels. Please enjoy the orientation videos and the assessment that follows.